MY Largemouth Bass Fishing Steps

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MY Largemouth Bass Fishing Steps

Post by fishingshopss » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:08 am

While fishing is a great leisure activity for a lazy afternoon, fishing for largemouth bass is a truly competitive sport. Largemouth bass are some of the most desired trophies in the water, and proper technique and skill is required to outsmart the fish. But if you take the time to learn about these frisky fish and their environment, you'll soon be returning home with a boat load of largemouth bass.
1.Choose the right spot. Largemouth bass enjoy swimming in areas with adequate protection. These areas include weeds, under docks, in reefs, near rocks or around any other number of natural or man-made covers. The fish use these areas to spawn and to feed, and if the bass' natural bait is plentiful, than your bait will fit right in.
2.Choose the right lure. When using plastic lures, it's important to pay attention to where you are fishing. Lures that sink can easily get tangled in weeds, but lures that float will be useless in deeper, darker areas. Also, different lures require different techniques, but for the most part, slow, gentle movements are most successful when it comes to fishing for largemouth bass.
3.Pay attention to the time of day. Largemouth bass love cool water. Therefore, in the morning, they will often be found in shallow, shoreline areas, but as the sun rises and the water temperature increases, they will move to deeper waters. Once again, the fish will still seek out protective cover, and as the water conditions change, so must your lures.
4.Pay attention to the seasons. Just as the time of day can alter water temperatures, so can the seasons, and even geography. Lakes will also look different during different seasons. For instance, most lakes in the springtime are rather murky, the perfect conditions for brighter lures. In winter, however, when the frozen lake is pale and white, darker lures will more successfully attract largemouth bass. The fish will also feed during different hours depending on the season.
5.Win the fight. Hooking a largemouth bass is only the beginning. Reeling it in successfully is the true triumph. While you will need to be firm and resilient, you will also need patience. The fish is going to put up a fight, and if you fight back too hard, you can easily snap your line. Instead, find the right balance between give and take. Eventually, as the fish grows tired, and as it becomes more and more hooked, you'll make quicker progress.

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Re: MY Largemouth Bass Fishing Steps

Post by vt3fan » Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:41 am

Great post, appreciate your insights. Just curious about fishing there this time of year- what is the best presentation? A vertical or horizontal presentation? Without giving out all your secrets, what basic type of presentation do you use this time of year, i.e., mid september, water temp in the lower 60's. Thanks.......

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Re: MY Largemouth Bass Fishing Steps

Post by rpoormafish1 » Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:22 pm

Brother of the bass world. What a great time of year to fish. Bass are on the feed bag and looking to eat anything that moves. One simple tip here. Find the Bait fish, bait fish, bait fish. Match the hatch and you will find yourself with bicep arm lock the next day. Also, crawfish frenzy. They will gorge themselves on those little critters all day. Slow down an little. You will catch all the 2 pound bass you can handle. What a great lake. :big-grin:
Catch and Release!!!!!!

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