Pushing vs trolling

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John M
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Pushing vs trolling

Post by John M » Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:59 pm

While doing a considerable amount of reading concerning crappie fishing, I came upon a presentation called pushing. It basically presents a constantly moving bait to the fish, similar to trolling with two exceptions.
Pushing is done from the front of the boat with rods in rod holders, pointing either parallel or towards the front of the boat. So, in states without limits on poles, you can place 5/6 rods in a half circle formation in rod holders. .
The second difference in presentation was the movement of the boat was not supplied by the main motor but the trolling motor. This allows for a much quieter and slower presentation. However there is a limitation as how far away from the boat you were able to present your lures. In an effort to prevent spooking the fish ( shadows of boat or people moving in boat, the use of longer rods is employed. Instead of the standard 5' to 6'5" rods they use 8',10',12',14',16'. These rod in addition to being used to push crankbaits, small spinners, jigs accomplish the same for fishing a jig under a bobber, or presenting a jig to isolated structure( weed edge or pocket, wood structure(brush,tree,dock)
Ps: NYS has a three line limitation.

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