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John M
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Post by John M » Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:13 pm

Actually saw two aluminum boats on the water in the southern webcam in black bay. Tied to the docks. I've been on this site for about two or three weeks, initially checking water temp and the cams each day , then the general threads. I realize these cam's are installed a distance north and a distance south of the cental( more popular area of the lake.
Then I read the general recent postings. Unfortunately they are limited, so it's off to the archives. Research older years postings for the month of May and the crappie bite. Hopefully the website will become more active.
Really looking forward to my initial crappie trip to black lake.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by Bob-O » Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:41 pm

John, you will see reports when the season opens. Check archives but each year the weather is different. Some years we hope the ice is gone and other years bring sun screen! I will post for the week of opening Pike. We fish for N Pike and crappie. May always is a great time for both. So keep an eye out the week of the first Saturday of May and you will find all kinds of good advice. Good luck Bob.
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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by MrSimon » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:05 am

John ... you think too much :D

Black Lake has a huge community of fishermen. Some local, and some not. But only a very small fraction of those fishermen use this forum, or the internet at all. And the ones who are on-line are pretty tight lipped about where/how they catch fish, as they should be.

Sure, you can get some good info from this forum, but the best thing to do is just wait until you get to the lake and figure it out then.

Things can change so quickly (and drastically) on the lake that trying to locate fish using internet information weeks ahead of time is pretty much futile.

You can get more and better info by spending 10 minutes on the water than spending 10 weeks on-line.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by John M » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:29 pm

I appreciate your comments, but i'm not really concerned with were you caught fish per se, but locating different structures, presentations used to catch the fish. And yes, I 'm aware that actual.time on the water is better than information one can gain on a website( especially realizing that more members are actually on the site to gather info rather than share). But, that is only nature taking its normal course. Now, I also understand the local fisherman's reluctance to share fishing locations,
but extending that reluctance to "how" seems extensive.
Nevertheless, I respect each individual fisherman's position as to what degree of information sharing, if any.
But truthfully, it perplexed me why join a website where info is shared?.
Now, while actual time on the water is undoubtedly preferred over word of mouth, the reality of distance and limited time on the lake (3days) would tend to suggest a combination of pre-trip research and actual on water evaluations would be the most advantageous. With only 3 days on the water, ( if the weather allows) I would rather spend the three days catching, rather than locating the crappie schools.
Bottom line, I have a certain procedure I have been using for an extended period of time when taking a trip to water I don't fish regularly. In addition to the fact that I have unrestricted free time to research.
Again, I appreciate your recommendations, and will make the necessary corrections that the weather or fish necessitate. However, my goal is to decrease the locating and increase the catching time of the trip.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by MrSimon » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:11 pm

Sometimes research and planning is part of the fun. I get that.

But at the end of the day, this isn't rocket science, it's crappie fishing. Pull up to some fishy looking cover and toss out a bobber. If nothing bites in ten minutes, adjust your depth or move a little. Repeat until you find them.

I used to be like you, spending countless hours doing on-line research for a new lake. And I enjoyed it too.

What I didn't enjoy was getting to the lake and realizing the vast majority of my research didn't help. And more often than not, it hurt. I'd be emotionally attached to the plan I created and was reluctant to switch gears. I actually remember saying to my fishing buddies, "But this is the bay where the guy on the forums said he catches pike all the time." I can still here one of them saying, "Apparently the pike don't have wifi."

Now I show up to a new lake with a well stocked tackle box and enjoy exploring and hunting them down. I've found that I actually do better this way and catch more fish than when I used to obsess at a keyboard for hours.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by njmike » Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:09 pm

"But this is the bay where the guy on the forums said he catches pike all the time." I can still here one of them saying, "Apparently the pike don't have wifi."


That sums it up best.
If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.
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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by John M » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:50 pm

Always wondered why individuals that are resistant to sharing information, actually join these sites. Apparently it is one of two possibilities. On many other forums you have a percentage of registered members who are online often but don't post at all. On other forums they have been labeled "lurkers". Then, there are those members who offer non essential fishing information. Usually, in a judgemental or comical manner. Always wondered what necessities such comments? They don't contribute to the discussion. Maybe it's the need to feel important? Don't know, guess it will be forever perplexing to me.
And this from a guy that thinks to much. Well, I accept your compliment. An insult would have been to be called a lurker

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by MrSimon » Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:09 pm

John M wrote:Always wondered why individuals that are resistant to sharing information, actually join these sites.
Because there is a lot more to spending time at Black Lake than just catching fish. We join this site because it's an on-line extension of the Black Lake community.

We talk about docks, boats, weather, restaurants, tackle, techniques, camps, cottages etc etc. We share our memories and stories and post fun pictures. And sure, plenty of people share fishing info too. I've personally given out the exact where/when/how I've caught some of my biggest fish in the lake.

But I have to be honest, it kind of rubs people the wrong way when someone new joins the site and immediately starts asking for specific info and data on exactly how to find and catch fish. And then goes even further to get a little cranky when users don't hand out specific information that took them years to figure out on their own.

I'm glad you joined this site, and I hope you have a great trip and catch lots of fish. Just remember that this is a community forum for people who like Black Lake. It isn't a repository of fishing data. You'll have to figure that stuff out on your own.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by Bob-O » Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:27 pm

OK John...I can tell you a few things. First I would pick up a Black Lake hot spot map, mainly for the contours and markers and names of places so you can talk with other people. You can find this map online or the Log cabin sells similar, the Log cabin is not far from the public launch. Then depending where you are staying scan the map and target the cover you want to fish, the lake is very large and unless you have a rocket bass boat moving around can chew lots of time. As for fishing I like to only use lures, keeps you moving and the release is less harmful. BL has it's own size limits, for crappie i believe it is 10" but we usually only keep 12" or better, pike are to be 18" or bigger. For pike (very fun to fish for) we let the wind blow us in or out depending on wind direction and throw red devils or similar spoons in the main bays and shoreline that is grassy and shallow. For crappie I use a light rod with four pound diameter braid. I use braid due to you can hook into pike and even walleye while jigging. I mainly use 1/64 OZ jig heads with tiny tubes, bring lots of colors and change it up until one color stands out. I like to target rocky walls around islands or rock piles that get lots of sun when the water is around 55F or so. We do pretty well and we are not 4AM fishermen, we sleep and get out 8ish, fish for crappie a bit, change to pike, then hit the crappie at sundown.

That's my fishing technique in May. Summer is much different. In the 1990's I used to go to this forum back when it had fishing poles separating the threads and print them out and carry a folder! So I feel we are much alike and I would not have did anything different after all these years. You will also find at the camp you stay at the people are amazing to talk to, gather around the fish shack and talk and drink lots of beer!

tight lines...Bob
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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by brian_c » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:32 pm

I agree with Mr Simon that research will only get you so far. To give you an idea, I researched the forum one year, bought the lures everyone said the fish were biting on, went on my vacation, and promptly caught zilch. Some years have been drop shot, others have been Mepps. Patterns change. As others have mentioned pick up a hotspots map to give you a general idea of where to start.

I've been coming up to the lake now since about '07, same time each year, and the only constant is that each and every year is drastically different. One year could be a banner year, the next year could be thoroughly frustrating and getting skunked in the process. One year the fish could be hiding out in weeds and the next they could be running deep. That's why they call it fishing, not catching!

Research is fine but expect to be hunting the fish locales from year to year as the water levels vary that much. Don't believe me, watch the webcams. I've had the water recede over a foot during my 1 week vacation.

BTW: Welcome to the forum.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by John M » Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:06 am

Thank you for such an informative posting. You stated your results, bait of choice and method of presentation, depth of water and GENERAL area without giving a specific spot where you caught the fish. In reading all your post it was refreshing to see a consistent attitude. The businesses in the Black lake are quite fortunate to have such fine ambassador representing Black Lake. I'm sure your posting contribute to a pleasant experience for the visitors to the lake and indirectly to the merchants profitability. By the way, I agree with your recommendation of hot spot map. In fact I own 27 of them(10 are duplicates). NY lake Erie waters, Lake Ontario from Monroe county easterly to Chippewa bay in the St Lawrence river. Champlain(north & central), Blk, Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida, Chautauqua lakes.
As I stated I'm new to crappie fishing, but I have 30 years experience bass fishing.
So, I wasn't interested in what is commonly referred to as "dock talk". Just a fishing pattern to try initially, in an effort to save time. Apparenty, that request irritates some people to the extent they take the time to express it with a posting. Additionally, they assume to speak for all cottage owners. Maybe they have been elected or appointed the correspondent for the group, but more probably self appointed.
What's amazing is that some of those that treasure and protect their personal fishing hotspots, have no problem just driving down the lake until they see two or more boats fishing a (point, weed bed, dropoff), and move into the area, So much for there ability to locate fish by themselves.
To be quite honest, I'll be with probably eight other fisherman( accomplished) so that's either (four boats -with one-rub a dub dubing or three boats all rub a dub dubing). We can have one boat cover north of Booths Island, two between Booths Island and Conger Island and one south of Conger island. Should be on schools of crappie by noon.
Always believed in returning a favor, so Bob O, I will be sending you specific waypoints of crappie schools our group is able to locate throughout the day via private text. The only thing we ask, is that you keep it to yourself until Sunday morning. Then you can share it with whoever you want. A thank you for having the water temperature device installed on your dock and then supply the information on line with the other current weather variables and your periodic fishing reports, you should be the example other outdoorsman strive to emulate.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by Fishpro » Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:08 am

Alll these scientific plans to scope out the fish. What happened to the good old idea of just going out for a day of casual fishing and relaxation ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by mojo » Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:51 am

I couldn't agree more with Fishpro. You'll have a much more satisfying experience studying the lake maps/conditions and figuring it out yourself. If you need that much information of exact location of hotspots, baits to use, color of lures etc. you're missing the point of fishing to begin with. Eventually you'll find your own "hotspot" to fish on Black Lake. Relax.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by John M » Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:50 pm

I have to say thank you for the brief moment of levity. Being questioned to my approach to fishing by someone with a moniker of "Fishpro." just an amateur here, striving to be a fishpro. Lol

Ps. Just a joke

Gentlemen, please re-read all my posting since I joined. There is not one reference were I requested to know anyone's exact fishing spot. Apparently, all it's takes is one person to mistakenly comprehend my posted text message, to start the negative flow rolling.

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Re: WOW!!!!!!!!

Post by Fishpro » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:52 pm

Not questioning your approach to your method of fishing. Just looking at the lighter side of our great sport. We are fortunate to have a great lake like Black lake to fish. As for my moniker - it was the only thing I could come up with that wasn't being used at the time. May you have a great season - Catch & Release!!!

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